The application offers online test series of multiple choice questions (MCQ) & summary notes on various Biology topics required for competitive exams.
It contains more than 1100 questions covering all topics including physiology, cell theory, cell structure, animal and plant kingdom, origin of life and evolution, plant reproduction etc.
This online Multiple choice questions (MCQ) quiz application offers features like:
Theory notes on Biology that covers basic and advance topics for better learning to perform better in MCQ based competitive exams
Quality test series with multiple choice questions (MCQ) on Biology
Bookmark feature for any multiple choice questions (MCQ) on Biology
Revision center for multiple choice questions (MCQ) on Biology
Performance dashboard to evaluate your learnings in test given for Biology
As a student you can use it for your exam prep including NEET, CBSE and state board biology exams.
If you like our application on online test,Please leave comments for us.We look forward to receiving your comments and suggestions.
Aplikasi ini menawarkan serangkaian tes online pertanyaan pilihan ganda (MCQ) & catatan ringkasan tentang berbagai topik Biologi diperlukan untuk ujian kompetitif.
Ini berisi lebih dari 1.100 pertanyaan yang mencakup semua topik termasuk fisiologi, teori sel, struktur sel, hewan dan kerajaan tanaman, asal usul kehidupan dan evolusi, reproduksi tanaman dll
Ini secara online Beberapa pertanyaan pilihan (MCQ) aplikasi kuis menawarkan fitur seperti:
Teori catatan pada Biologi yang mencakup topik-topik dasar dan muka untuk belajar lebih baik untuk tampil lebih baik di MCQ berdasarkan ujian kompetitif
Seri uji kualitas dengan pertanyaan pilihan ganda (MCQ) di Biologi
Bookmark fitur untuk setiap pertanyaan pilihan ganda (MCQ) di Biologi
Pusat revisi untuk pertanyaan pilihan ganda (MCQ) di Biologi
Kinerja dashboard untuk mengevaluasi pembelajaran Anda dalam tes diberikan untuk Biologi
Sebagai mahasiswa dapat Anda gunakan untuk persiapan ujian Anda termasuk NEET, CBSE dan negara ujian papan biologi.
Jika Anda menyukai aplikasi kita pada tes online, Silahkan meninggalkan komentar untuk kami.Kami berharap untuk menerima komentar dan saran.
The application offers online test series of multiple choice questions (MCQ) & summary notes on various Biology topics required for competitive exams.
It contains more than 1100 questions covering all topics including physiology, cell theory, cell structure, animal and plant kingdom, origin of life and evolution, plant reproduction etc.
This online Multiple choice questions (MCQ) quiz application offers features like:
Theory notes on Biology that covers basic and advance topics for better learning to perform better in MCQ based competitive exams
Quality test series with multiple choice questions (MCQ) on Biology
Bookmark feature for any multiple choice questions (MCQ) on Biology
Revision center for multiple choice questions (MCQ) on Biology
Performance dashboard to evaluate your learnings in test given for Biology
As a student you can use it for your exam prep including NEET, CBSE and state board biology exams.
If you like our application on online test,Please leave comments for us.We look forward to receiving your comments and suggestions.